Job market paper

Education under extremes: Temperature, student absenteeism, and disciplinary infractions.

* Winner of the Joseph Crump Fellowship, the Harvard Environmental Economics Program Ana Aguado Prize, and the Christopher and Silvana Pascucci Graduate Student Dissertation Fellowship

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Published papers

The price of biodiesel RINs and economic fundamentals (with Scott H. Irwin and James H. Stock) American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2020.

* Winner of the Agricultural & Applied Economics Association Quality of Research Discovery Award

The roles of energy markets and environmental regulation in reducing coal-fired plant profits and electricity sector emissions (with Joshua Linn) RAND Journal of Economics, 2019.

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Consignment auctions of free emissions allowances (with Dallas Burtraw) Energy Policy, 2017.

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The Supreme Court’s stay of the Clean Power Plan: Economic assessment and implications for the future (with Joshua Linn and Dallas Burtraw) Environmental Law Reporter, 2016.

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Using weather forecasts to help manage meningitis in the West African Sahel (with Rajul Pandya, Abraham Hodgson, and others) Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 2015.

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Research in progress

Operation of emissions controls in US coal-fired power plants (with Joshua Linn).

Does access to primary health care reduce morbidity from air pollution?

Air pollution and student absences in a large urban school district.

Other writing

Who's Talking about their COVID-19 Research? (with Alex Albright, Stephanie Kestelman, and Isabel Harbaugh Macdonald) 2020.

Is Halting the Clean Power Plan Economically Justified? (with Dallas Burtraw and Joshua Linn) Resources, 2016.

Approaches to Address Potential CO2 Emissions Leakage to New Sources under the Clean Power Plan (with Dallas Burtraw, Joshua Linn, Karen L. Palmer, Anthony Paul, and Hang Yin) RFF Report, 2016.

Clearing the Air: How Market-Based Policies Help Meet the Tighter US Ozone Limit (with Joshua Linn and Alan Krupnick) Resources, 2016.

Defining the Unknown: A Look at the Cost of Tighter Ozone Standards (with Joshua Linn and Alan Krupnick) RFF Issue Brief, 2015.

Reversing the Medicaid fee bump: How much could Medicaid physician fees for primary care fall in 2015? (with Stephen Zuckerman and Laura Skopec) Urban Institute Health Policy Center Brief, 2014.

Wind energy resource assessment: Information production, uses, and value (with Katherine Dickinson, Luca Delle Monache, and Pierre Magontier) NCAR Technical Note, 2014.